Abstract Rhythm in Time DigitalART with AppleMusic Jazz Currents 12 ALBUMS Apple Music Jazz UPDATED Sat DAY by Alan Silva

To experience directly, we must transcend the verbal-symbol imprint, experience energy-flow directly, receive energy messages directly. The future language of experience will be based directly on the concepts and technology of light, sound, cellular movement, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system imagery: direct replication of energy flow. Consciousness is a biochemical neurological decoding that takes place at many levels of the nervous system. Units of the language will be based on units for measuring and describing these energy transformations. Know what’s next. Now. Discover your next favorite song, album, or artist — without ever hearing an ad. Play anything in the vast 40-million-song catalog, along with your entire iTunes library. Playing Apple music jazz With Abstract Rhythm in Time DigitalART by Alan silva go to the links below and paste them in a new page and you can listen to the music in preview or you can take a prescription in Apple music, thank you. Alan Silva - Enjoy the ART


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