AppleMusic Playlist jazz Spectrum is up With Abstract Rhythm in Time DigitalART by Alan silva

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Playing Apple music jazz With Abstract Rhythm in Time DigitalART by Alan silva go to the links below and paste them in a new page and you can listen to the music in preview or you can take a prescription in Apple music, thank you. Alan Silva - Enjoy the ART!
Uptempo grooves perfect for the dance floor or a morning run. Our editors regularly update this playlist—if you hear something you like, add it to your library.
EDITORS’ NOTES The commingling of jazz and rock dates back to the late '60s, when artists like Miles Davis and Frank Zappa started feeling around for new ways to stretch out. That spectral sound that we've come to know as “fusion” has only widened over the ensuing decades, with all kinds of influences—funk, soul, blues—being adventurously mapped onto jazz's template. What follows is a snapshot of today's most invigorating jazz-centric hybrids, for listeners seeking progressive, improvisatory thrills. Our editors regularly update this playlist. If you like a song, add it to your library.


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